A Winter's Tale: The Matysiks Visit Japan, Part 2--Yamanashi-ken

Wednesday, December 27th: Morning (day 3)
I awoke to the bright sunshine illuminating the paper windows in the tatami room where the five of us had just spent a peaceful night. The previous night's rain had cleared and left in its wake clear skies, magnificent mountain views, and Fuji-san, outlined by the morning mist. Matt and I decided that today would be the best day to drive down to Motosuko to get pictures of Fuji, so after a big breakfast of French toast, I sent Matt, Michelle, Greg and Allison off in our tiny Opti Daihatsu to witness on of Japan's natural marvels. As for me, I decided to stay behind and get some laundry done.

After a beautiful, scenic drive through the Minami-Alps--passing Matt's school in Kyonan along the way--the little party in the tiny Daihatsu made it to Motosuko. Snapping numerous pictures of Fuji-san, they soon crammed back into the car and headed back to Ryuo.

By the time Matt, Michelle, Greg, and Allison returned from their Fuji-excursion, it was lunchtime. Matt and I decided to take them to one of our favorite "fast food" restaurants, Kaiten-zushi. It is a poor excuse for sushi, compared to the fresh stuff we ate in Tokyo, but it's cheap, fast, and pretty tasty. So, as the conveyor belt swished plates upon plates of different types of sushi by us, we had a nice, relaxing lunch, discussing all the exciting things we had already experienced in our four days together.

After dropping Matt and Greg off at the house--they were both pooped out and needed a bit of a rest--Michelle, Allison, and I took the train into Kofu, where we walked down Heiwa Dori (so exciting...), had a much needed Starbuck's break, and then did some shopping at Okajima's Department store. It was nice to just be out with Michelle and Al, and by the time we got home, we were ready for some dinner and another relaxing night at home.

For dinner, we drove into Kushigata (past Shirane High School) and entered our favorite おこのみやき (okonomiyaki) restaurant, Nishiki. Once seated at our tiny table, we started to explain how you make okonomiyaki: you get a cup with a raw egg, veggies, and cheese (sometimes you can get meat as well); mix it up well until it looks a little like lumpy pancake batter; add the mochi (a type of rice cake); pour the concoction onto the heated griddle in the center of the table; spread evenly with a spoon; allow to cook until golden brown on the bottom; carefully take two spatulas and flip the pseudo-pancake over; while allowing the other side to cook and brown, baste the okonomiyaki with a bbq-esque sauce and sprinkle nori (seaweek) flakes on top; cut into "pizza" slices; carefully pick up a slice with the chopsticks; dip in mayo; enjoy its deliciousness! Needless to say, we were stuffed by the time we left the friendly little establishment.

Late night:
Since we were already in Kushigata, Matt and I decided to take the Matysiks to Trial Supercenter (basically a depressing Japanese "Wal-Mart"). After laughing hysterically at all the "Engrish" t-shirts, we headed downstairs to load up on all kinds of tasty (and quite unhealthy) snacks. We bought pocky, koala munchies (I loved these things when I was a kid!), chocolate and some chips. Then, with our bags full of treats, we drove back to Ryuo, where, filling our bellies with even more food, we talked and laughed and then fell asleep.

Thursday, December 28th: Day Trip to Nagano-ken to see Matsumoto-jo
Cozy underneath the mofu blanket and comforter, I did not want to get out of bed, but after mustering up the courage to brave the cold apartment, I remembered that today we would be taking a road trip to Matsumoto castle, one of my most favorite places in Japan. After breakfast, showers, and the like, we all piled into the car and started our hour and a half journey to Matsumoto--on the at times scary but very scenic Chuo Expressway. The blustery, winter sky held promises of snow showers and I was happy when we made it to Matsumoto without any unexpected blizzards. Approaching the castle grounds, we saw Matsumoto-jo in all her majesty and, floating effortless on the moat's choppy surface were two beautiful, cotton-white swans. We stood, gazing at their beauty, and then made our way across the berry-red bridge into the castle compound.
Taking off our shoes and placing them in small plastic bags, we meandered through the ancient castle, stopping at each window to catch a glimpse of the city and surrounding mountains and to imagine what it must have been like, looking out of these same windows during the era of the samurai. After ascending the six-stories and then descending once again, we wandered the grounds, taking way too many pictures (as usual) and enjoying a brief retreat from the cold, nipping wind in the little gift shop.
With bellies rumbling with hunger pangs, we trooped on over to a tiny little soba shop, where we had an amazing lunch--complete with both cold and hot soba noodles, tempura (天ぷら), tea, and pickled veggies. Feeling full, tired and very wind-blown, we decided to head back to the car and to begin our ride home. Little did I know that I would be soon be driving through a snowy mess, in the mountains, with balding tires, resulting in sore, white knuckles afterwards.
Once the snowy weather was behind us, we had a fabulous drive back into Yamanashi, where the eight snow-covered peaks of Yatsugatake-san glimmered in the mid-afternoon sunshine. Fuji-san could be seen as we raced down the freeway and the concrete forest of Shirane, Ryuo, and Kofu was sparkling in the warm sunshine. Back at home, we took a little rest, then went out for dinner at Gratzie Gardens (our favorite "Italian pizza" joint). Content with our day of travel and sightseeing, we relaxed again at home, listened to Matt's ipod, and drifted off into a fantasy-land sleep.

Friday, December 29th: Last day in Yamanashi
It started with a lazy morning. I got up and had some tea with Greg and Michelle. Soon Matt and then Allison awoke and we had a leisurely breakfast. After cleaning up the tatami room (putting the futons, blankets, sheets and pillows back into the closet), we packed for what would soon become our week and a half "tour" of the Kansai region. Before saying goodbye to Yamanashi, though, I drove Michelle over to Shirane High School, where she took some pictures and then we got a few snacks at the conbini for lunch. Making sure we were all packed and leaving the tap dripping ever so slightly (just to make sure the pipes wouldn't freeze), we took one last picture in our entry way and then, locking the door behind us, set off towards Ryuo-eki, and the second part of our winter's tale.
Since we were already in Kushigata, Matt and I decided to take the Matysiks to Trial Supercenter (basically a depressing Japanese "Wal-Mart"). After laughing hysterically at all the "Engrish" t-shirts, we headed downstairs to load up on all kinds of tasty (and quite unhealthy) snacks. We bought pocky, koala munchies (I loved these things when I was a kid!), chocolate and some chips. Then, with our bags full of treats, we drove back to Ryuo, where, filling our bellies with even more food, we talked and laughed and then fell asleep.

Thursday, December 28th: Day Trip to Nagano-ken to see Matsumoto-jo
Cozy underneath the mofu blanket and comforter, I did not want to get out of bed, but after mustering up the courage to brave the cold apartment, I remembered that today we would be taking a road trip to Matsumoto castle, one of my most favorite places in Japan. After breakfast, showers, and the like, we all piled into the car and started our hour and a half journey to Matsumoto--on the at times scary but very scenic Chuo Expressway. The blustery, winter sky held promises of snow showers and I was happy when we made it to Matsumoto without any unexpected blizzards. Approaching the castle grounds, we saw Matsumoto-jo in all her majesty and, floating effortless on the moat's choppy surface were two beautiful, cotton-white swans. We stood, gazing at their beauty, and then made our way across the berry-red bridge into the castle compound.

Friday, December 29th: Last day in Yamanashi
It started with a lazy morning. I got up and had some tea with Greg and Michelle. Soon Matt and then Allison awoke and we had a leisurely breakfast. After cleaning up the tatami room (putting the futons, blankets, sheets and pillows back into the closet), we packed for what would soon become our week and a half "tour" of the Kansai region. Before saying goodbye to Yamanashi, though, I drove Michelle over to Shirane High School, where she took some pictures and then we got a few snacks at the conbini for lunch. Making sure we were all packed and leaving the tap dripping ever so slightly (just to make sure the pipes wouldn't freeze), we took one last picture in our entry way and then, locking the door behind us, set off towards Ryuo-eki, and the second part of our winter's tale.